Added Multi Author Support

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Category : jekyll

Now Multiple Authors Can Create Articles:

You can now create or collaborate with multiple authors,Especially when you are working with teams. Each author will have a unique page of her written articles also her profile widget in Articles written by his/her.

For this every Author needs to have a unique username (without space) For eg. If Author is John Doe - the username should be johndoe or john-doe (without space).This key will be used by devlopr, to fetch individual author’s profile pages internally.

Configuring Authors :

Under _authors folder create a author details file ( with his/her username (as described above). For eg.

Then add this frontmatter to describe the author in

name: John Doe # Name of the Author
username: johndoe # Username of the Author
bio: "Hi I a John, a Web Developer and Designer." # Author Bio
site:  # Author Website URL
avatar: johndoe.png  # Profile Image (img path will be /assets/img/authors/johndoe.png)
email:  # Author Email address
social:  # Author Social profile links
    - title: "github"
      url: ""
    - title: "linkedin"
      url: ""
    - title: "youtube"
      url: ""
    - title: "facebook"
      url: ""
    - title: "twitter"
      url: ""
    - title: "behance"
      url: ""
    - title: "instagram"
      url: ""
    - title: "medium"
      url: ""
    - title: "telegram"
      url: ""
    - title: "dribbble"
      url: ""
    - title: "flickr"
      url: ""

You can create multiple authors similarly under _authors

Next, copy the same frontmatter in _data/authors.yml (under individual author usernames) like this :

# Author 1
   name: John Doe
   username: johndoe
   avatar: johndoe.png
   bio: "Hi I a John, a Web Developer and Designer."
      - title: "github"
        url: ""
      - title: "linkedin"
        url: ""
      - title: "youtube"
        url: ""
      - title: "facebook"
        url: ""
      - title: "twitter"
        url: ""
      - title: "behance"
        url: ""
      - title: "instagram"
        url: ""
      - title: "medium"
        url: ""
      - title: "telegram"
        url: ""
      - title: "dribbble"
        url: ""
      - title: "flickr"
        url: ""

# Author 2
   name: Jane Doe
   username: janedoe
   avatar: jane.png
   bio: "Designer"
      - title: "github"
        url: ""
      - title: "linkedin"
        url: ""
      - title: "youtube"
        url: ""
      - title: "facebook"
        url: ""

Likewise ! This will be helpful for the widgets. (About Author, Recent Articles).

Adding Author to Post

When creating a new post, just add the author in frontmatter using the username of the author

For eg, In

layout: post
title: "Demo Article"
author: janedoe
This is Jane Doe's Article

Now there will be Authors widget in Blog Sidebar, showing all authors like this :

Author Sidebar Widget

Also a Author Profile Page will be created for Jane Doe to showcase her written articles.

Author Page

Also, below this article you can see the Author Profile Card , who has written the article too ! ;)

Cheers ! Hope You enjoy this new feature. :D

About Crisel Suarez

¡Hola! My name is Crisel Suarez. I am a Physics PhD candidate at Vanderbilt University and Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Predoctoral Fellow . I grew up in Mexico City, Mexico and Austin, TX, USA. I am fully bilingual in both Spanish and English. I earned my Bachelor’s of Science and majored in Mathematics and minored in Global Studies and Physics at a small liberal arts school called St. Edward’s University . I was a McNair Scholar at St. Edward’s University and pursued all types of research; from Computer Science looking at the expected values of properties in the game of Monopoly (with Dr. Michael Kart ), Mathematics looking at the tetrominoes ( TETRIS pieces) and how they form gaps and make you lose at TETRIS (with Dr. Jason Callahan ), and Science Education in quantifying science literacy in undergraduates students (with Dr. Paul Walter . I also took a graduate Nanotechnologies and Nanofabrication certification from the Nanomanufacturing Systems Center (NASCENT) at University of Texas at Austin.

After graduating from St. Edward’s University, I went to pursue my Masters of Science in Physics at Fisk University as part of the Fisk-Vanderbilt Masters to PhD program . At Fisk, I was part of Dr. Arnold Burger’s Materials Science and Applications Group (MSAG) where I studied the chemical composition of high energy crystal scintillators using Vanderbilt’s University high performance computing ACCRE facilities.

During the summers as a Masters student, I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Christopher S. Moore at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian in the Solar Stellar X-ray Group as part of the Fisk-Vanderbilt-CfA Latino Initiative Program (now CfA Research Experiences in Astronomy, Technology, & Engineering (CREATE) program. I worked on analyzing beautiful high energy events in the Sun called solar flares . As part of PhD work at Vanderbilt University, I continued to examined ~30 soft x-ray (SXR) flares observed with the Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer (MinXSS-1) and derived changes in temperature, volume emission measure and elemental abundances as a function of time with parametric spectral fits. I continue to research solar flares and look for Quasi-Periodic Pulsations (QPPs) in flares with different instruments including Hinode/X-ray Telescope (Hinode/XRT) , Solar Dynamic Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA) , Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) , Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer- 1 and 2 (MinXSS-1&2) and Dual Aperture X-ray Solar Spectrometer (DAXSS). I have also used the Hydrodynamic Radiation (HYDRAD) model to synthesize Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) and soft x-ray (SXR) emission in solar flares.

I also enjoy engaging in science outreach events, promoting research, curiosity, creativity and mentoring the next generation of scientists!

When I have some rare free time, I like going to museums, shows, trying new foods, and traveling!
